Sunday, April 25, 2010

Shoulder Butt

Walking through Win-Co the other day getting some groceries with my Alex, right? We are headed down the dressing isle to get some chipotle stuff and although I don't remember word for word what was said or even what the conversation was, all I remember is that I was literally mid sentence and Alex got this crazy look in his eye and just rammed his head into my shoulder as hard as he could!
I was so shocked. I quickly reacted by picking up a box of spaghetti and stabbed him in the stomach. But seriously, who head butts someones shoulder? And who would have thought that it would hurt ME more than HIM??

Alex your so random, one of the many things I missed in my life so terribly :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

How Do I Know It's You???

Funniest thing happened today. My mom and brother Christopher sort of share a cell phone, and so I needed to text Christopher in regards to mothers day seeing as how its coming up soon. This is a run down of how the text-versation went...

Me: Christopher?
Mom: No its Mom, sorry about that hehe
Me: I need to talk to him, top secret
Mom: Ok
keep in mind the same cell phone)
Christopher: hey its critter
Me: prove it how do i know

.....(three or four minutes later)........

Christopher: Boba Fetts armor in Empire Strikes Back is called Mandalorian Battle Armor.

Me: LOL!!

to me this was a legit LAUGH OUT LOUD moment. I just had to share it. Thanks for making me laugh Christopher.